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Infusion & Transfusion

Infusion and transfusion are two medical procedures used to deliver fluids, medications, and blood products directly into a patient's bloodstream. Infusion involves the delivery of fluids or medications through a vein, while transfusion involves the delivery of blood or blood products. Both procedures are commonly used in hospitals, clinics, and other medical settings to treat a variety of medical conditions.

IV Cannula/Catheter

IV Cannulas or Catheters are medical devices used to access a patient's veins for the purpose of infusion or transfusion. They are typically inserted into a patient's arm or hand and are designed to stay in place for an extended period of time. IV Cannulas come in a variety of sizes and styles to accommodate different patient needs.

Infusion Sets

Infusion sets are medical devices used to deliver fluids, medications, and other substances directly into a patient's bloodstream. They typically consist of a plastic tubing connected to a needle or catheter, which is inserted into a patient's vein. Infusion sets come in a variety of sizes and styles to accommodate different patient needs.

Infusion Sets With Burette

Infusion sets with burettes are similar to standard infusion sets, with the addition of a burette chamber. The chamber allows for precise measurement and control of the amount of fluid or medication being delivered to the patient. This is especially useful in situations where accurate dosing is critical.

Transfusion Sets

Transfusion sets are medical devices used to deliver blood and blood products directly into a patient's bloodstream. They typically consist of a plastic tubing connected to a needle or catheter, which is inserted into a patient's vein. Transfusion sets come in a variety of sizes and styles to accommodate different patient needs.

Three-way Stopcock

A three-way stopcock is a medical device used to control the flow of fluids during infusion or transfusion. It consists of a T-shaped valve with three openings, allowing for easy switching between fluid sources or delivery routes. Three-way stopcocks are commonly used in hospitals and other medical settings to facilitate the delivery of multiple medications or fluids simultaneously.

Overall, infusion and transfusion are critical medical procedures used to treat a variety of medical conditions. By understanding the different types of devices used in these procedures, patients and medical professionals can work together to ensure safe and effective treatment.